sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 2010

marți, 7 decembrie 2010


If you have difficulties digesting me I can easily recommend a list of pills and a 'get over it', thankfully the world doesn't end here.

duminică, 7 noiembrie 2010


And it's the distance between right and wrong that keeps me from doing good for I am so close to bad.

sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010

luni, 23 august 2010

marți, 17 august 2010


The thinking process expands boundaries when you run out of things to think about.


Time is contagious, everybody's getting old.

luni, 26 iulie 2010


pe-asta nu am spus-o eu dar mi s-a parut prea tare so nu puteam sa o las sa se piarda ;))

"Nu tre sa fii profesionist ca sa focalizezi!!!"

duminică, 25 iulie 2010


Integrity is by far something you build not something you gain.

sâmbătă, 24 iulie 2010


Sitting in a crowd will never make you special; at least not as special as you could be by sitting in front of it.


In life you must always know when to start, when to stop and...well, when to begin again. :)

witty sayings

i was thinking the other days why aren't i able to keep this blog up to date and...well, best thing i could come up with was that i'm too lazy to write long nice paragraphs about small nothings or important nothings; nevertheless i've decided to post witty quotes i come up with during the day cause that was always a cute thing to do ^^

miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010

Cuvinte nespuse

As vrea sa-mi pot evapora sufletul in tine la fel ca apa care atinge temperaturi inalte cand sentimentele din ea fierb prea tare.

Vreau dimineti lenese de vara in care sa ne intalnim ca doi straini ce au plecat sa caute ceva si din intamplare isi gasesc sufletul uitat cine stie pe unde de cine stie cand.

Nu ma cunosti, nu te cunosc si nici nu vreau; vreau sa traiesc in tine o luna, poate doua si-apoi sa plec. Peste ani o sa ne intalnim din nou ca doi straini ce suntem si nu o sa avem resentimente, o sa stim prea bine ce e intre noi pentru ca asta am fost mereu, doi straini fara sentimente complicate, dorinte cu care sa nu ne fie frica sa ne-ascundem unul de altul.

Ai sa vii pe strada sa ma prinzi de mana si sa mergem inainte unul langa altul pentru ca ne cunoastem, tu stapanesti ceea ce mie imi este strain si-asta mi-e mai mult decat de ajuns.

luni, 25 ianuarie 2010


Light study on glass at low light and iso 800
Nikon D60+Nikkor 35mm 1.8
Processed with Adobe Lightroom
f/2,2 @ 1/80

duminică, 24 ianuarie 2010


In cazul fericit in care cineva chiar imi citeste blogul. Tu ce vezi aici(stiu ca poti mai mult de 'un ochi') :D
hai, chiar vreau sa va stiu parerile!
also, ce credeti ca e?


De mult am zis ca le scanez sa le pun pe net si-am tot uitat de ele(multumesc Dragos ca m-ai batut la cap sa caut poze.lol)
Povestea acestora doua suna cam asa, acum aproximativ 4 ani cand inca ma jucam cu un Fuji A610 le-am fotografiat, mi-am luat niste hartie foto si le-am printat acasa; nu mi s-au parut cine stie ce, wow, etc asa ca am decis sa le aplic un efect natural, therefor au stat aproximativ 2 ani pe terasa la soare/frig/caldura/etc. acum un an le-am luat si le-am pus (bine) in fundul unui raft si-acum le-am gasit. So here they are:)

miercuri, 20 ianuarie 2010

hidden ways


Hopes are the things that keep our quests on going, they give us power and spread away the clouds of sadness on gloomy days.
I was never able to set high hopes by myself, always needed someone to stand for them with me which often made me feel weak. Until one day when I realized...I am only human!

Extras from a project for a book. I haven't been writing for awhile now and got a bit rusty so do call this a warm up.

sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2010




Eu tot am sa plec candva, asa mi-e felul.

ceva de reinceput

Acum cateva zile m-a intrebat Emi de ce nu mai scriu/postez pe blog, sincer nu stiu, presupun ca mi s-a facut lene la un moment dat si apoi am uitat cu totul de el.
Am sters toate postarile pentru ca majoritatea erau aiurea, o iau de la capat si incerc sa fiu mai consecventa.

Initial am spus ca pe blogul asta postez fotografii si pe un altul diverse dar am ajuns sa nu mai updatez niciunul deci from now on unul si bun.


sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010

Something new

Here's to my first time of wearing anything but sunglasses. Apparently it's not thaaaat bad, plus, if I keep this post I'll remember when I got them :"> (if you have short memory loss, please press 9, if you have short memory loss, please press 9, if you have short memory loss, please press 9, if you have short memory loss, please press 9...)

sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2010

Things to do in life

For a very long time I wished to do a book cover, it was something I liked to label as a 'think to do in life', I'm sure most of you have a that kind of list, real or imaginary, it's nice to guide your life after something and it's even nicer when you 'reach' those dreams.
It was recently that thanks to a friend I can joyfully put a check sign in front of my 'do a book-cover' 'thing to do in life'.
Thank you Bianca Dobrescu, even though it was a small project we are discussing a bigger and better one for the near future!
